Caritas in Veritate

Caritas in Veritate

Faithfulness to the Magisterium, to the Teachings of the Church, is the minimum that membership of The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma requires. In order for us to be Guild members we choose fidelity to the teachings of the One True Church as announced in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and this is essential to membership of this Guild. 

We are called also to charity and mutual respect between members of the Guild. We are called to proclaim the Gospel - a mission that is placed in jeopardy if as Catholics we do not show respect for each other. If we cannot imagine seeing our brothers and sisters in Heaven, then let us consider that it may be ourselves, rather than that brother or sister, who will not be there. We must long for our salvation and that of our brothers and sisters, so pray tirelessly for the work of this Guild and all who are members of it.

May Our Lady of Walsingham and Blessed Titus Brandsma intercede for this Guild and enable us always to sow concord and harmony, the truth in charity.

We have as Christians but one rule: love God and love neighbour. This is the rule of this Guild. In loving our brothers and sisters in this Guild, we are loving God. Let us grow in love for Him and each other everyday. We are stronger together than we are apart. 

That is why this Guild exists, for it exists for the support of Catholic bloggers and for the mission of evangelisation entrusted to Catholics who use the new media. Let us beseech Christ our Lord for the grace to bear witness to His love in our daily lives both offline and on. The Lord does not forget us when we are online, so let us not forget Him either.

Credit where it is due

Let us credit the work of others if we cite it since this is respectful of their work. With honesty and integrity, let us evangelise through the use of the new media as called for by recent Popes and bring the Courtyard to life, that we may show forth He who is the Way and the Truth and the Life.

Laurence England
Chairman of The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma

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